jurema silva University of Caille
jurema silva
University of Caille
Ship: Imicus ( Frigate )
System: J105409 (C3) (-1.0) / C-R00012
Closest: J105409 IV - Moon 13 (0.07au)
Time: 2019-05-15 09:54
Points: 1
Damage: 931
Ship+Fit: 1,354,396.96 ISK
Dropped: 6,945,237.37 ISK
Destroyed: 5,376,984.40 ISK
Total: 12,322,221.77 ISK

Item(s) Dropped / Destroyed

High Slots
Salvager I 1 41,999.00
Core Probe Launcher I 1 20,355.56
Antimatter Charge S 200 3,140.00
75mm Gatling Rail I 1 113.05
Total: 65,607.61
Mid Slots
Cargo Scanner I 1 8,427.22
Data Analyzer I 1 34,499.59
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive 1 799,999.88
Relic Analyzer I 1 38,030.22
Total: 880,956.91
Low Slots
Nanofiber Internal Structure I 2 1,491.06
Nanofiber Internal Structure I 1 745.53
Total: 2,236.59
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I 2 86,700.84
Total: 86,700.84
Drone Bay
Warrior I 1 5,080.53
Hobgoblin I 1 2,398.99
Acolyte I 6 12,600.00
Total: 20,079.52
Datacore - Laser Physics 6 690,839.16
Accelerant Decryptor 1 546,182.12
Logic Circuit 1 630,897.37
Antimatter Charge S 500 7,850.00
High-Tech Manufacturing Tools 1 853,054.00
Positron Cord 71 7,242.71
Charred Micro Circuit 10 6,300.00
Calm Exotic Filament 1 220,058.60
Conductive Polymer 7 70,007.00
Amarr Encryption Methods 1 1,504.00
Force Cable 45 4,639.95
Takmahl Gyro Ballast 1 123,499.34
Datacore - High Energy Physics 11 1,395,980.63
Datacore - High Energy Physics 2 253,814.66
Contaminated Lorentz Fluid 4 1,149,028.40
Datacore - Amarrian Starship Engineering 17 701,155.99
Broken Drone Transceiver 13 486,199.87
Symmetry Decryptor 1 550,100.01
Carbon 2 656.66
Augmentation Decryptor 1 1,631,386.17
Augmentation Decryptor 1 1,631,386.17
Auxiliary Parts 57 6,042.00
Total: 10,967,824.81
Total Dropped:
Total Destroyed:
Grand Total: