Falkuse School of Applied Knowledge
School of Applied Knowledge
Ship: Retriever ( Mining Barge )
Related: Capsule
System: Tarta (0.5) / Genesis
Location: Tarta X - Moon 12 (4141.39km)
Time: 2018-12-12 21:44
Points: 1
Damage: 8,377
Ship+Fit: 28,599,467.62 ISK
Dropped: 13,431,629.74 ISK
Destroyed: 30,995,064.73 ISK
Total: 44,426,694.47 ISK

Item(s) Dropped / Destroyed

High Slots
Strip Miner I 1 1,178,998.75
Strip Miner I 1 1,178,998.75
Total: 2,357,997.50
Mid Slots
Survey Scanner II 1 1,073,913.78
Total: 1,073,913.78
Low Slots
Mining Laser Upgrade II 2 1,339,999.96
Mining Laser Upgrade II 1 669,999.98
Total: 2,009,999.94
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I 1 1,261,989.62
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II 1 4,168,996.12
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I 1 1,277,976.60
Total: 6,708,962.34
Arkonor Mining Crystal I 2 106,186.56
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal I 1 15,164.72
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal I 1 15,164.72
Hemorphite Mining Crystal I 1 39,576.13
Hemorphite Mining Crystal I 3 118,728.39
Armor Plates 2 64,508.76
Tangled Power Conduit 4 197,205.12
Contaminated Nanite Compound 2 218,955.86
Mobile Tractor Unit 1 6,835,756.12
Charred Micro Circuit 4 3,000.96
Veldspar Mining Crystal II 2 214,828.14
Veldspar Mining Crystal II 2 214,828.14
Kernite Mining Crystal I 2 54,665.36
Modulated Strip Miner II 1 2,849,889.74
Modulated Strip Miner II 1 2,849,889.74
Gneiss Mining Crystal I 2 153,856.94
Melted Capacitor Console 1 22,002.10
Jaspet Mining Crystal II 3 667,003.17
Jaspet Mining Crystal II 1 222,334.39
Tripped Power Circuit 5 30,920.35
Fried Interface Circuit 2 5,652.72
Fried Interface Circuit 9 25,437.24
Total: 14,925,555.37
Mining Hold
Pellucid Crokite 522 901,671.48
Total: 901,671.48
Total Dropped:
Total Destroyed:
Grand Total: