BocTheDwarf Grumpy Gorillas
Brothers of Tangra
Grumpy Gorillas
Brothers of Tangra
Ship: Ark ( Jump Freighter )
Related: Capsule
System: Odebeinn (0.3) / Metropolis
Location: Odebeinn V - Moon 5 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory (4323.44km)
Time: 2022-08-10 16:52
Points: 1
Damage: 221,253
Ship+Fit: 10,007,631,459.40 ISK
Dropped: 2,388,511,560.10 ISK
Destroyed: 10,183,783,723.75 ISK
Total: 12,572,295,283.85 ISK

Item(s) Dropped / Destroyed

Low Slots
Expanded Cargohold II 3 1,092,600.00
Total: 1,092,600.00
Structure Factory Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Structure Factory Blueprint (Copy) 2 0.02
Structure Acceleration Coils Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Structure Acceleration Coils Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Structure Repair Facility Blueprint (Copy) 4 0.04
Structure Repair Facility Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Standup M-Set Structure Manufacturing Material Efficiency I 1 407,226,142.08
Memory Augmentation - Basic 5 39,985,000.00
Tatara Blueprint (Copy) 1 0.01
Social Adaptation Chip - Basic 5 8,605,000.00
Structure Office Center Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Structure Office Center Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
R.A.M.- Starship Tech Blueprint 1 366,845.71
R.A.M.- Electronics Blueprint 1 308,655.71
R.A.M.- Armor/Hull Tech Blueprint 1 398,780.00
Ocular Filter - Basic 5 44,645,000.00
Structure Advertisement Nexus Blueprint (Copy) 4 0.04
Structure Advertisement Nexus Blueprint (Copy) 1 0.01
Gas Cloud Scoop II 4 16,926,266.68
Athanor Blueprint (Copy) 1 0.01
Structure Construction Parts Blueprint (Copy) 2 0.02
Structure Construction Parts Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Structure Mission Network Blueprint (Copy) 5 0.05
Structure Mission Network Blueprint (Copy) 2 0.02
Small Cargohold Optimization I Blueprint 1 125,000.00
Structure Hangar Array Blueprint (Copy) 4 0.04
Structure Hangar Array Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Industrial Cynosural Field Generator Blueprint 1 31,372,640.00
Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 1 116,428,571.92
R.A.M.- Ammunition Tech Blueprint 1 392,536.00
R.A.M.- Weapon Tech Blueprint 1 306,339.09
Azbel Blueprint (Copy) 1 0.01
Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I 1 357,791,222.70
Structure Reprocessing Plant Blueprint (Copy) 6 0.06
Structure Reprocessing Plant Blueprint (Copy) 5 0.05
Complex Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A II 136 16,365,872.80
Raitaru Upwell Quantum Core 1 793,060,000.00
Neural Boost - Basic 5 40,500,000.00
Oxygen Fuel Block Blueprint 1 10,590,000.00
Oxygen Fuel Block Blueprint 1 10,590,000.00
R.A.M.- Shield Tech Blueprint 1 301,320.00
Raitaru 1 394,717,996.03
Helium Isotopes 466,782 221,511,398.10
Structure Docking Bay Blueprint (Copy) 4 0.04
Structure Docking Bay Blueprint (Copy) 1 0.01
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor Blueprint (Copy) 2 0.02
Structure Electromagnetic Sensor Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
R.A.M.- Energy Tech Blueprint 1 339,870.00
Structure Market Network Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Structure Market Network Blueprint (Copy) 3 0.03
Medium Cargohold Optimization I 20 4,624,000.00
Structure Medical Center Blueprint (Copy) 6 0.06
Structure Medical Center Blueprint (Copy) 1 0.01
Venture Blueprint 1 7,280,047.62
Structure Storage Bay Blueprint (Copy) 6 0.06
Structure Storage Bay Blueprint (Copy) 2 0.02
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic 5 39,605,000.00
Structure Laboratory Blueprint (Copy) 2 0.02
Structure Laboratory Blueprint (Copy) 4 0.04
R.A.M.- Robotics Blueprint 1 300,320.00
Total: 2,564,663,825.43
Fuel Bay
Helium Isotopes 329,868 156,538,859.40
Total: 156,538,859.40
Total Dropped:
Total Destroyed:
Grand Total:

Insurance Possible payouts
